Sunday 24 February 2013

Photo book

Hello world! This is my second post for this blog. I was wondering what to write today. Suddenly the idea of sharing my pictures with you guys came in mind. Don't worry these pictures do not have myself in it :-)
The picture was taken at different places I will try to caption the picture with correct location.
Enjoy these pictures and please don't forget to comment. Feel free to share your views on my pictures and I will not mind :-D
Please do not copy any picture without permission. If you need any of these picture email me and I will send you the high-resolution image directly in your inbox.

I took this picture during my visit to Virginia Water in Surrey. This is a very beautiful place, full of natural scenery, greenery, calm and peace atmosphere. After spending few hours and clicked some pictures I was going back home at dusk. I could not resist to take my camera out and clicked this beautiful sunset.

Sunset at virginia water, Surrey, United Kingdom

Windsor is another beautiful place in Berkshire for sitting in calm and peace for sometime. I visited this place for some nature photography. This man and his dogs attract my attention because the man bought an ice-cream and feed it to his dogs. He did not even tasted it.

Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Look at this cute dog. His name is Biscuit. He was very naughty and did not stayed at one place. It took me long time to click this one.

Virginia Water, Surrey, United Kingdom

This one took very long to click. A bright sunny day and the unrest bee. It was taken in my garden.

In my garden, United Kingdom

In my garden, United Kingdom
I hope you enjoy these pictures. Please comment and share with others.


  1. These are very nice pictures. Can you share the lens and technique used to take these pictures.

  2. (Y) keep it up

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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