Friday 8 March 2013

From Saudi Business Man to Osama Bin Laden

The day the dam broke!

Yes this is about the day the dam broke and flooded the whole world with war, mass murder, weapons, poverty, sorrows and terror.

9/11 is the date that nobody wants to remind of. But sadly no one can forget this day. Day full of blood, sorrows, tension and terror, terror that is still continues. They have started it in their own homes and carried it away to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt and in-and-around Middle East.

More than 3,000 people lost their lives due to act of their government. No pictures of blood and corpses showed in TV and newspaper due to an agreement between the print media and broadcaster,  which was a good idea, in my opinion. Only one picture appeared in New York Daily news, which was widely criticized, by Todd Maisel, titled “The Hand, 9/11”. I am sharing this picture with my readers.

Photo courtesy: The Hand, 9/11, Todd Maisel

From Saudi Business Man to Osama Bin Laden

If Osama Bin Laden was responsible of 9/11, as bush administration claimed, then after the death of Osama Bin Laden the world would have been a safer place to live.

The reason of my post is not to proof that 9/11 was an inside job or Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. I am just wondering why “The Independent” praised the work of a terrorist in their full page article on 6th December 1991. Why a man was a hero when fighting against soviet and what made him to turn against their friends? Why these picture and related articles have disappeared from everywhere?
The picture of the article from “the independent” is not available online anymore.

Picture from The Independent/

Media is the biggest liar. What do you think? Please feel free to share you comments.

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