Monday 4 March 2013

Weapons of Mass Destruction

WMD world map
WMD world map (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


My fellow citizens, events in Iraq have now reached the final days of decision........

..... Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised......

..... Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them. If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you....

..... And all Iraqi military and civilian personnel should listen carefully to this warning. In any conflict, your fate will depend on your action. Do not destroy oil wells, a source of wealth that belongs to the Iraqi people. Do not obey any command to use weapons of mass destruction against anyone, including the Iraqi people. War crimes will be prosecuted.....

Bush's war ultimatum speech from the Cross Hall in the White House on 18th March, 2003.

Above is an extract of the Bush’s speech which claims that Iraq had the weapons of mass destruction and America and its allies going to attack them. But interestingly Mr. Bush advised the people of Iraq DO NOT DESTROY OIL WELLS (because this is what we want).

They believed before the attack that Saddam Hussain had the weapons of mass destruction but where are those weapons. Why Saddam Hussain did not used these WMDs to safe himself and his country? The answer is simple because they did not have any WMDs.

The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) reported on its website

“While US war propagandists presented the attack on Iraq as an extension of the “war on terrorism,” it is well known that the Bush administration had drawn up plans to use military force to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein long before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. September 11 was seized on as a pretext for stampeding public opinion to accept US military intervention.

The charge that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was selected , as Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz later admitted, for “bureaucratic reasons”—i.e., it was the one allegation that the State Department, the Pentagon and the CIA all agreed could provide a serviceable cover for the real motives: seizing vast oil resources and establishing US dominance of the Middle East.

Since the war began, however, every element of the Bush administration campaign on weapons of mass destruction has been shown to be false.”

Mr Carne, who served at the UN between 1997 and 2002, claimed that the British and United States governments were fully aware that there was no “substantial threat” from Iraq ahead of the war.

WASHINGTON — In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said on 4/25/2005 that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

“After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall.

Where are WMD in real?

“A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large numbers of humans (and other life forms) and/or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere in general. “

America and its allies using forces in Afghanistan and Iraq killing millions of civilians - mass murder - and wikileaks showed how these civilians been targeted by the forces, it means war crimes also in place. They are the cause of MASS DESTRUCTION in the name of searching for WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

Insurgency in PAKISTAN created by india, Israel and america already been claimed thousands of lives. The so called Al-qaida and Taliban, created by CIA and Israelis, are recruiting thousands of suicide bombers for the mass killing.

The use of LHC and HAARP will also claims millions of life. In fact, they are deadliest than the nuclear weapons. LHC is shut off these days, may be some secret work going on in it, but HAARP is operating throughout the world. The HAITI earthquake is supposed to be the HAARP effect which claims thousands of life, China earth quakes and PAKISTAN’s flood are also considered as the result of HAARP which kills millions of people - mass destruction.

These are the WMDS which they are looking in Middle-East. They should search their own homes.

I believe we need the bush’s speech but with little make up, could be like this.

My fellow HUMANS, events in world have now reached the final days of decision.........

...... Everyone - who still believe they are human- gathered by this and humanity leaves no doubt that the ZIONIST regime continues to posses and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised....

...... Everyone who can hear me tonight I have a message for them. If we must begin a global military campaign, it will against the lawlessness and wrong use of power who rule the world, and they are against humanity. Whoever has the humanity within and feels the pain of his brother or sister should not resist this war......

..... And all military and civilian personnel should listen carefully to this warning. Your fate has been written. Join us in this war on terror against the ruler of the world. Destroy all arms, guns, missiles, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as well as destroy HAARP and LHC to make your world free and carve the free future for the humanity......

Do you think war is the solution? Please share your views by commenting below.

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