Friday 1 March 2013

Does Water exist???

Water on Sun!!!

Photo courtesy:
Does water exist on sun??? This is a very weird question a person can have in his mind. Well, I had this question :-)

If you ask a common person he/she may start doubting on your mental status. Water on sun sounds ridiculous because sun is a huge ball of burning gasses and the surface is as hot as 6000 degrees centigrade and millions of degrees hot at the core. We all know that water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. So the question is how it is possible for water to be present on sun?

The answer is YES, water do exist on sun. Water is a combination of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. Hydrogen is available in a huge quantity on sun and oxygen is there as well. Because there is a continuous combustion process since millions of years and we all know that oxygen plays a necessary role in burning, therefore, oxygen is present on sun.

The sun is made up of 70% hydrogen and 28% Helium. It turns around 4 million metric tons of gas into energy every second. Therefore, it is the main source of the earth’s light and warmth. The process of burning is known as nuclear fusion which occurs deep inside the sun. In the result of this process sun produces an enormous amount of light and energy; it is the principal on which hydrogen bomb was designed. This process also produces sounds (like the bomb explosion sound). We cannot hear these sounds because sound needs a medium to travel and, in space, there is no medium available for the sound to travel. 

The supermassive black holes are all that rema...
The supermassive black holes are all that remains of galaxies once all protons decay, but even these giants are not immortal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Speaking simple language

Science tells us the phenomena of combustion. It tells us when an object starts burning it turns red hot first, if it continues to burn it will turn white hot and on further combustion it will become black hot and will convert into a black body (black hole) with the ability to absorb everything in it.

Black holes exist in universe. Black holes are the stars that are burning since thousands of years.

We know that sun is burning since millions of years but still it has not become a black hole. The reason is GOD made a system on sun which keep its temperature constant, varies up to certain degrees. The system does not allow sun to raise its temperature. This system is the continuous production of water due to presence of hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen keep combining on the surface of sun to form water and evaporates immediately. The system is made in such a way that it maintains the temperature of sun.

One school of thought believes that ultimately this system of sun will stop working and it will become black hole resulting in absorbing the whole solar system (or the universe) and that will be the doomsday.

Please feel free to share your thoughts by commenting in the comments section below.


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